A Letter A Home A Poem: A Collection of Poems and Essays


Author: Shantanu Anand & Nandini Varma
Published Date: 01/12/2020
ISBN: 978-81-948164-4-7
Pages: 302

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A Letter, A Poem, A Home: A Collection of Poems and Essays is a reminder that when all is falling, there is someone still standing with bricks and mortar to build it back up. The poems in the collection are from poets across the country who wonder, who watch, who imagine, who pause, who listen. The collection also contains essays, conversations and poems from poets who have shaped the many doors that poetry opens before us: Sarah Kay, Tishani Doshi, Rudy Francisco, Anis Mojgani, R Raj Rao, Sumana Roy, Shahnaz Bashir, Semeen Ali, Chandramohan S and more. If you are looking for poems that provide a corner of comfort within this vast world that we call home, then this book is for you. We hope you like it.

Shantanu Anand and Nandini Varma are poets and educators who have mentored and produced shows with thousands of young poets across India. They are the Co-founders of Airplane Poetry Movement, an organisation dedicated towards poetry education since 2014. In 2016, they co-organised India’s first National Youth Poetry Slam, in partnership with Campus Diaries, which saw participation from hundreds of emerging poets from schools and colleges in the country as well as guest poets from Spoken Stage, Pakistan. In 2018, they led a year-long writing challenge called the 100-poem challenge for poets to work on their craft and writing practice. For championing the joy of poetry through their work, they were awarded a place in the list of Forbes Asia 30 Under 30 in 2019. Currently they’re running online workshops and learning programmes and working towards finding new ways to make people fall in love with poetry.