Going Home


Author: Madhu Raghavendra
Published Date: 01/10/2022
ISBN: 978-93-92494-24-6
Pages: 94


He’s got poetic license.

Indian Express

Testament of the times.

The Hindu

Madhu Raghavendra’s poetry is unlike anybody else’s. Without falling into the trap of slogans and shibboleths of fashionable ideologies of today, it goes back to the openness of a child and looks at things as if for the first time. In effect, his poetic language assumes a certain simplicity and transparency not easy to find these days. With a sensibility shaped by diverse cultural and linguistic influences, it speaks to the child within us and compels us to perceive the self and the world with all-embracing love, compassion and hope unspoilt by bitterness of harshness of actual experience. — HS Shivaprakash, poet and playwright

Madhu Raghavendra’s poetry is like a dance — a complete embodied experience. His words move our hearts through our blood and guts landing perfectly like a drop of wisdom. — Colleen Thomas, Professor of Dance, Barnard College of Columbia University, New York

Madhu Raghavendra has authored three books of poetry — Make Me Some Love To Eat, Stick No Bills, and Being Non-Essential — published by Red River, New Delhi. He is the founder of Poetry Couture, a movement that has created free spaces for poetry in many cities of India, including the North East. He uses performance poetry as a tool to advocate human and environmental rights. He collaborates with global artists to create cross disciplinary poetry experiences. His poems have been set to classical music and contemporary dance in American universities. He has participated in the 2022 PEN Emergency World Voices Congress of Writers at the United Nations Headquarters, New York. He conducts performance poetry workshops for young adults, and has read at many educational institutions and literary festivals across India. His works have been featured in many literary journals. He was a resident artist at Basar Confluence. His poems have been translated into many languages. Madhu was a resident poet at the 2022 Spring International Writing Program, The University of Iowa. He curates the DLF Gurugram Poetry Festival and the literary sessions for the Arunachal Arts and Literary Festival.