The Song of Silence


Author: Soumya Menon
Published Date: 01/01/2021
ISBN: 978-81-948164-5-4
Pages: 88


Little shafts of hope/ Captured in tiny scribbles/ Like bursts and streams/ Laid down on neatly cut parchments/ Holding together/ Silently storming the world.

Soumya Menon has written a beautiful poetry collection. Her poems employ silence as metaphor, silence as an interrogation technique, silence as deafening noise, silence as moments of acute observation and silence as the spaces in contemporary life’s musical score. Such a pleasure to read. — Devi S Laskar, author of The Atlas of Reds and Blues

The Song of Silence journeys through the personal and the public and intertwines diverse experiences of this duality with silence — that meditative witness rooted in stillness and clarity. In these poems, Soumya Menon’s words explore and embark on a flight of freedom, kindling an expansive range of sensory experiences that render us little less of strangers when we are done reading. — Soni Somarajan, author of First Contact

Soumya Menon is an author, poet, and storyteller. Formerly, she was a national and international journalist, specialising in crime reporting, with reputed publications and media houses. When she is not writing poetry or short stories, she works as a marketing communications professional. Her literary work balances the divide between reasoning, mindfulness, realism and existentialism. She also loves writing poetry and short stories for children, short stories for all ages, articles, and flash fiction. She has always been inspired by metaphysical poet John Donne. In 2018, she was selected as one of the Top 50 poets as part of the Great Indian Poetry Contest, organised by On Fire Cultural Movement (judged by Kalki Koechlin and Kausar Munir) and her poem ‘Gambler’ was published in an international anthology Aatish 2. The anthology also includes the greats like Gulzar and Taslima Nasrin.