Cheers! To the daze you’ve rumoured yourselves into. Women and men of substance, shy away, keep themselves home in miniature circles and bonfires. But, Cheers nonetheless!
Weaving together poetry and prose, Sarvesh Wahie has produced a multi-faceted portrait of Mussoorie, which evokes the many moods and mysteries of this historic hill station, as well as the surrounding mountains and forests. On these pages, you will encounter both the landscape and the people who live here, as well as the spirits that linger in the mist and drift through the verdant shadows of the lower Himalaya. — Stephen Alter
Situated between existential sorrows and remedies of care, Mussoorie Daze echoes the sentiments of all Mussoorie residents as themes for precise reflections on coexistence. — Bill Aitken
Sarvesh Wahie writes verse and prose dealing with the experiences of interpersonal and daily living. Keeping to himself habitually, he likes taking long walks and is fond of instrumental music. He grew up in Mussoorie and went to university in New Delhi. His collection of poems, Black Verses, was released in 2018 and his poems have appeared in some independent magazines. Presently, Sarvesh is completing his doctoral studies in Jena, Germany.