the river-being comes to fill the poem.
the wind hollowed my body.
This torrential flood of poems takes us to those places of wondrous catastrophe, where blood meets the stars, muscle meets metaphysics, and ‘the essence of all things’ meets ‘the purest oxytocin.’ Shorn of cliché and fiercely human, these are poems of mercurial vitality and aliveness. – Arundhathi Subramaniam
The thirty-five-year-old author’s poetry is already a phenomenon that transcends borders. Her texts have been published and translated all over the world, and the author has been invited to literary festivals in countries such as Spain, Poland, Turkey, India and China. Her book A Transfiguração da Fome (Transfiguration of Hunger) won the Glória de Sant’Anna International Literary Prize for the best work of poetry published in Portuguese-speaking countries in 2018. Sara F. Costa, fluent in Mandarin, published an anthology of contemporary Chinese poetry, organised and translated by herself. She got interested in Chinese poetry while contacting with artistic intricacies of Beijing life during the time she lived there. In 2021, she was awarded with one of the competitive grants for literary creation funded by the Ministry of Portuguese Culture. The result of that work is River-Being, Bodily God, now published in English with Red River.