The Wild Weed


Author: Paul Kaur
Published Date: 01/09/2021
ISBN: 978-81-950900-8-2
Pages: 170


It’s weed, and it’s wild. A fearless spirit flows like a river through Paul Kaur’s poems, gushing with her dissent to any stereotype of being a woman. No Lakshman Rekhas for her. Wrenching herself away from the pain of the womb, she takes flights of freedom, searching for her own original. No photocopies for her.

— Sukrita Paul Kumar

Paul Kaur’s is a significant and thoughtful voice in contemporary Punjabi poetry which has held its own and not bowed to the demands that the patriarchal order makes on a woman when she steps out into the world of words. What makes her different is that she does not fall prey to the established order or the rigid revolt against it. Instead she has the courage to paint the canvas afresh with a piercing mind that does not hesitate to face the contradiction within and without. She has a keen eye for social and political prejudices and is never afraid to point them out. From the personal to the political, she underlines the struggle and effort of the individual in making the world more negotiable and acceptable.

— Nirupama Dutt

Paul Kaur (b 15 May 1956) is an acclaimed poet in Punjabi with nine poetry collections to her credit. Her latest, Hun Nahi Mardi Nirmala, was published in 2020. She has also edited several volumes of poetry, including, Balde Khatan De Sirnaven, featuring poetry written during the tragedy of Punjab in 1980s. Her non-fiction output includes Katehre Vich Aurat: Amrita Pritam De Ang Sang (2019). She has also translated the poetry of Octavio Paz in Octavio Paz Dian Kavitavan (2014). Kaur has also received number of accolades, including the Shiromani Punjabi Kavi Award by the Government of Punjab in 2002; and the Bhai Santokh Singh Award by Haryana Punjabi Sahitya Academy in 2013. She retired as a professor of Punjabi literature in 2016.

Author, translator, poet Arvinder Kaur retired as associate professor in English and Media Studies at Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector 11, Chandigarh. Her translation of the letters between noted Punjabi writer Amrita Pritam and her painter companion Imroz, titled Amrita and Imroz: In the Times of Love and Longing, was published in 2009. Her first book of haiku in Punjabi, Nimolian, appeared in 2013. Her book of haiku, senryu, and tanka in English, dandelion seeds, was published in 2015. She can be reached at [email protected].