The Book of Blue


Author: Atreyee Majumder
Published Date: 01/03/2024
ISBN: 978-93-92494-69-7
Pages: 74


What does it mean to allocate strangeness onto the world? What if other worlds are as real as my own? How can I access their immediacy and viscerality? These poems are a disjoint response to these questions.

Blood is spilt across the pages

Of the New York Times.

The unfolding of the dire. Blurring of the personal and the political. The lingering aftertaste of loss love lament humanity and yes, history. Poems that bear witness to the everyday horrors of these cannibal times. — Naveen Kishore

To live is to be aghast and heartbroken, but also to be adrift upon the musical stream of language. Whether walking on the streets of Montreal or by the Yamuna in Brindavan, Atreyee Majumder’s thoughts are fluid, and words, even more so.  — Mani Rao

Atreyee Majumder is an anthropologist. She is currently Associate Professor (Social Sciences), National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. She earned her doctoral degree from Yale University (2014). She has been an Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto (2016-18). Her doctoral work culminated in her first book, Time, Space, and Capital in India: Longing and Belonging in an Urban-Industrial Hinterland (Routledge, 2018).  Drawing on her facility in Bengali and Hindi, her research examines questions related to urbanism, print cultures, and religion. This empirical canvas allows her to engage in historically grounded theoretical inquiries — a kind of ear-to-the-ground philosophical practice — into the relationship between time and space, and more recently, inquiries of self and personhood. Her current research agenda is located at the intersection of anthropology, theology, and the philosophy of religion, specifically concerned with the devotional practice of Bhakti. Ethnographic research for this project is being conducted in the sacred city of Vrindavan and its surround in northern India. She has published widely in academic and popular venues including the South Asian Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, Economic and Political Weekly, 3AM magazine, India Today, and LSE Review of Books. Her poems and short fiction have been featured in RIC Journal, Bombay Review, Bangalore Review, Gulmohur Quarterly, Nether Quarterly, Anthropology and Humanism, Sunflower Collective, Cafe Dissensus.